• 4 - Exceeds end-of-year standard:
    Student applies standard in ways that are in-depth and extend what was taught. Student focuses on complex problems within the standard, utilizing critical thinking and applying their learning in a variety of ways.

    3 - Meets end-of-year standard:
    Student consistently demonstrates mastery of/proficiency in the grade level standard.
    Students who receive a 3 are completing the expected learning in that end-of-year grade level standard. Meeting the standard does not mean that teaching and learning end; rather, it indicates that the student has reached a level of performance expected of grade level students for that standard with consistency, accuracy, independence and quality. Instruction will focus on more complex problems within the standard, will offer more levels of challenge for the learner in applying that standard, and will provide more in-depth and critical thinking in the area of that standard.

    2 - Approaching end-of-year standard:
    Indicates that the student is progressing appropriately toward consistent and independent mastery of/proficiency in the grade level standard. Students who are progressing toward the standard are demonstrating a level of understanding that is typically/appropriately expected during the course of the academic year.

    1 - Beginning to approach end-of-year standard:
    Indicates that the student is beginning to progress toward the grade level standard with additional time and support. Students who are beginning to progress toward a standard may require regular support, monitoring, and/or assistance from an adult for clarification in order to progress. It is typical for students to have a one or two the first trimester.

    N - Not yet approaching end-of-year standard:
    Indicates that a student is not yet demonstrating progress toward the grade level standard. Students receiving an N are still acquiring pre-requisite skills in order to understand the content of the grade level standard. Students need additional adult assistance, increased time, smaller chunks of learning, and/or alternative strategies for gaining foundational standards that will lead to the grade level standards.

    Blank - Standard not addressed at this time:
    When a blank appears next to a standard, it indicates that the standard was not addressed during the months leading up to the report card.

    X - Receives Academic Service:
    Indicates that a student participates in Special Education, or a different academic program, so that particular standard may not be assessed.


    Life Skills (Learning Behaviors)

    E - Exceeds expectations
    S - Meets expectations
    AP - Approaching expectations
    I - Inconsistent/Needs improvement