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VHS Clubs & Groups
ASB Club
The Associated Student Body is responsible for planning school dances and other events.
Art Club
This club is meant for those of all skill levels who want to do anything from playing art games to partaking in art swaps, or even learning new skills!Chess Club
Chess Club offers students the opportunity to play competitive chess.
Classic Games Club
Classic Games Club celebrates classic video games. Students are welcome to bring devices to play video games on.Debate(ASB Sponsored Club)
Disability Advocacy Group
Disability Advocacy Group is a student advocacy group seeking and enforcing accommodations that benefit student well-being and learning. Disabilities are a natural part of human diversity and an integral element that adds to the vitality of the Vashon campus community. Disability Advocacy Group cultivates an accessible and inclusive community in which students with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate.
Drama Club (ASB Sponsored Club)
Drama Club supports the drama productions, invents brief productions for the school, and learns the ropes in the theater space. This club is a gathering space for students interested in acting, backstage work, or technical theater.
Dungeons and Dragons Club (see RPG Club for info)
Field Science Club (ASB Sponsored Club)
Field Science Club is designed to augment the science experience at Vashon High School. The club plans various field trips related to types of sciences, including tours of the Seattle Aquarium, Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium, The Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, the Museum of Flight, among others. Additionally, the club explores possible careers in science by interviewing different types of scientists, including computer scientists, marine biologists, and immunologists.
Girl Security Council
The Regional Girl Security Council is designed to empower girls with accessible learning and training on national security. Members will focus on issues at the intersections of national security, technology, and society.
Green School Club (ASB Sponsored Club)
The Green School Club is dedicated to protecting the environment by making connections in our community, spreading awareness, and taking actions to reduce our footprint.
Guide Dog Club (ASB Sponsored Club)
Students and adults help raise, train, and socialize puppies in basic obedience commands to prepare them as working guides for the visually impaired.
Japan Club (ASB Sponsored Club)
The Japan Club exists to broaden the world view of Vashon High School students via friendship and cultural exchange with the students of our sister school, Himeji Minami High School in Japan.
Journeymen is a confidential space for boys and young men to circle up with their peers and mentors for meaningful conversations, fun games, and challenging activities.
Latinx Leadership Club
The Latinx Leadership Club picks themes to explore and create during the year, including leadership, art, music, and sharing recipes.
Music/Band Club (ASB Sponsored Club)
National Honor Society (ASB Sponsored Club)
The Vashon High School chapter of the National Honor Society was established to create enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulate a desire to render service, promote leadership, and to develop character in its members. Membership is highly selective, requiring a minimum GPA of 3.75 with total membership limited to 35 students. Applicants will be considered for membership by a five-member faculty council based on GPA, community service, and other factors. Only juniors and seniors can be members. Sophomores can apply in the Spring of their sophomore year.
Requirements for members include an individual service project, attendance at chapter meetings, and participation in chapter projects via committee work. The participation fee is 20.00 per year (scholarships are available for students with a demonstrated need).
Being designated a member is a nationally recognized honor that is considered very favorable by college admissions offices and employers.
Outdoor Adventures Club (ASB Sponsored Club)
The Outdoor Adventures Club plans activities for VHS students to partake in the great outdoors of the Pacific Northwest. Activities include hiking in the mountains, sandboarding the dunes in Oregon, swimming under waterfalls, exploring caves, camping, skiing, snowshoeing, and much more.
Queer Spectrum Alliance (ASB Sponsored Club)
Racial Equity Pact (ASB Sponsored Club)
Racial Equity Pact educates the school on racial equity. We focus on how to include more equity in the school and promote more awareness about what’s happening today with equity.
RPG Club
The RPG Club (formerly the DND Club) provides a space for students to discuss and plan for role-playing games (beyond just Dungeons and Dragons).
Robotics Club (ASB Sponsored Club)
The VHS Robotics Club participates in the FIRST Tech Challenge competition. Each September teams of 8-10 members must strategize, design, build, program, and compete against other teams in the state.
Spanish Club (ASB Sponsored Club)
Students work to create travel opportunities to Spanish-speaking countries for cultural competency and increased language skills.
Teens Leading Change
Everyone involved in this club is an advocate of providing information and resources regarding wellness to fellow peers and to school staff members. We work together to provide activities, posters, and presentations in order to raise mental health awareness as a prevention strategy for risky behaviors. Our club leadership attends a youth leadership summit in Washington, D.C. every year, in which we tour D.C., attend leadership trainings, and speak with Washington state representatives on Capitol Hill.
Ultimate Frisbee Club
Casual, fun ultimate frisbee for anyone interested. Drop-in when you’re available, no experience necessary.
Video Production Club (ASB Sponsored Club)
The VHS Production Club live streams VHS sports games, community events, and graduation. We put on Open Mic and are the sound support for other district events. Members learn about video and audio production. With enough experience, students can apply for paid gigs and technical internships within the community.