• Chautauqua Elementary School teachers, curriculum leaders, and administrators worked diligently to develop our knowledge and skills in creating a tool that effectively communicates with you regarding your child’s progress towards achieving standards.

    Several key features we wish to highlight are as follows:

    • A standards-based approach to reporting student progress, offers students clear learning targets and guides teachers with proficiency levels for student performance expectations. Scores (4, 3, 2, 1) are earned on assignments, assessments and class work to show where students are in relation to the standard and/or expectation.
    • Students receive marks that show progress towards end-of-year expectations. If your child is meeting the expectations outlined in these standards, they will be well-prepared for the next grade.
    • Mastery of each expectation is a score of 3 or higher.
    • There two marking periods for the standards-based report card.
    • Designated family engagement time at curriculum night, fall and spring conferences, and semester reports on student progress, with the June report card serving as the summative (final) report on student progress towards meeting grade level standards.