• What exactly is a standards-based report card?
    A standards-based report card is designed to assess student performance against a specific and observable set of grade level skills. Most importantly, a standards-based system measures each student against the identified, concrete standard, instead of measuring how the student performs compared to other students. This type of reporting instrument keeps teachers, parents, and students themselves focused on the desired outcomes for “year end” learning goals from the very beginning of the year. Our aim in moving to a standards-based report card is to be clearer and more specific about what all students need to know and be able to do at each grade level, in both the academic and pro-social, life skill expectations and standards.

    Washington State adopted new K-12 State Learning Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics in 2011 (Common Core State Standards); and for Science in 2013 (Next Generation Science Standards). These frameworks were used to create our report card across the content areas.The Chautauqua Elementary School Report Card aims to best reflect what students need to know, understand, and be able to do by the end of a given academic year.

    Why do the marking periods focus on end-of-year-standards?
    Focusing on end of year standards lets parents know what skills students are working on during the school year, and how they are progressing during the year. By selecting end of year benchmarks, teachers can develop scales and assessments that clarify what students will be learning during the year. Students may receive a 1 or 2 in the first semester card and be at grade level by the end of the year. Some standards will be the focus of only one marking period, while others will span the entire school year. Kindergarten has been using end-of-year standards for several years, as had some teachers in other grades. We are seeking consistency in grading practices across the school.